Sweet Angel...
It’s been a little more than four years since I met a sweet angel…
When his sweet smile and his beautiful eyes caught my sight…
My heart beat faster…
I felt like I had found the companion I was looking for…
He was my light, guiding me to my life’s most beautiful moments…
But I lost him...
And I felt like I was in a cold, dark tunnel…
He tried to help me get out of there and find my way again…
When I finally saw a ray of light I slowly tried to crawl towards the exit…
On my way out though, the sweet angel wasn’t there…
He got tired trying and followed his way…
I got sad...
I cried and cried...
I was left standing there alone…
There, at the tunnel exit…
For the sweet angel, with the sweet smile, to come back again…
Waiting for him to be my companion once again…"Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end."
That will remain a sweet and sour memory where you should focus on the sweet!!!... When there is true love, one will never get tired from trying! I've been trying for 24 years and sometimes there is a little light at the end of the tunnel, but I still haven't given up! xxx